Cloud SQL Task
Task:-1 Edit SQL instance on GCP and suggest in which condition restart required. (5-5 example)
For this task first we need to create a SQL Instance. So lets create SQL Instance step by step as follows-
Navigate to the Google Cloud Console.
Go to the GCP Console → Select SQL under Databases.
Navigate to SQL > Create Instance.
Next choose desired Database Engine(MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server). Here we go for MySQL, click on Choose MySQL
Choose Cloud SQL edition (Enterprise plus, Enterprise), Preset(Production, Development, and Sandbox).
Add Instance Info like Database version(8.0, 8.4), Instance I’d, Password.
Choose Region and Zonal Availability( Single zone, Multiple zones for high availability).
Add Machine Configuration and Storage.
Next click on Create Instance.
After 3-4 minutes SQL Instance should be up and running.
We need to examine the circumstances under which modifying a SQL instance necessitates a restart versus when changes can be applied without causing a restart. Some changes require a restart to take effect, resulting in brief downtime, while others can be implemented seamlessly without interrupting the service or requiring a restart.
Updates for which editing SQL Instance needs a RESTART.
Changing Zonal availability from Multiple Zone to Single Zone
A notification window appears to inform that a restart is necessary.
Changing Location of Primary Zone from asia-south2-a to asia-south2-b.
A notification window appears to inform that a restart is necessary.
Data Protection-
Enabling/ Disabling Automated daily backups and Point in time recovery needs a restart
A notification window appears to inform that a restart is necessary.
Adding database flag requires a restart.
A notification window appears to inform that a restart is necessary.
Machine Configurations
changing machine configuration from (1vCPU, 3.75GM RAM) to (2vCPU, 8 GB RAM).
A notification window appears to inform that a restart is necessary.